Ethcis Code
The educational provider has a clear sense of purpose and direction, which is informed by national priorities and the quality demands of a cost-effective educational provision. Programmes offered via distance education modalities both support and extend the roles of educational providers. They have become increasingly integral to educational providers, with growing implications for institutional infrastructure.
Principles and Processes
(a) Evidence that there is a rationale and relevant systems for the use of distance education methods to achieve purpose of the programmes for the target learners.
The policy statements, strategic plans, slogans or mottoes align with the missions, goals and objectives of the provider. The provider's mission statement, goals and objectives clearly set out and fit its operational context also the provider or programme management team provide a rational for the use of distance education modalities in the delivery of the programmes/courses to the targeted learners. The provider have in place policy statements and evidence of implementation of policies on all aspects of the design, development, delivery, evaluation, and user support of its distance education programmes?
(b) Evidence that the programme is consistent with the educational provider's role and mission
The specific needs of the learners for whom the distance education programme is intended are identified and addressed. The provider should fulfil its stated role as it offers the programme to students at a distance, or is the role being changed. There should be process for the development and/or implementation of shared standards for online content across partners?
Protocol 2: GOVERNANCE AND ADMINISTRATIONProgrammes are supported by appropriate and efficient administrative structures for effective policy making and implementation with the necessary human, material/physical and financial resources to achieve their purpose. There is effective, transparent and democratic management of communication and information, as well as human and material resources to support the activities of the provider. Effective planning and evaluation systems are in place to allow the provider to achieve its distance education goals. The educational provider is financially sound and can make reliable educational provision.
(c) The provider possesses the equipment and technical expertise required for distance education.
There should be proper institutional technical, physical plant, staff and support infrastructure for proper delivery of the courses.
(d) Institutional Organisation Proper accountability structures and mandates for responsible officers are in place.
Mechanisms are in place to prevent staff from using their positions of power within the institution to generate revenue.
Members shall agree to adhere to the GAODL Code of Ethics, and are required to provide evidence that suggestions and recommendations made by GAODL evaluators have been acted upon.